Top Ten Nano Fish for a 10 gallon or less
#1. Neon Tetra
The neon tetra is an iconic highly bred fish. One of the cheapest most colorful schooling fish in the hobby.
This fish only reaches one inch at full size and displays a rich blue color.
They are extremely peaceful and should be kept in groups of 6 or more for nice displays of schooling.
Safe with bettas and most semi aggressive fish.
Tank sizes from 5 gallons and beyond
Neon Tetra
#2 Endler Guppy
The smaller cousin of the Guppy, endlers come in a range of spectacular colors.
Generally more peaceful than guppies due to their size (1 inch max)
Livebearer - these endlers will reproduce via live birth therefore, the likelihood of multiplying the population is high.
These should be kept as just males or as a 1 male for every 2 females because males will chase down females all day for reproduction.
Tanks from 5 gallons and higher.
Male Emerald Endler
#3 Phoenix Rasbora/ Chili Rasbora
One of the smallest fish in the aquarium hobby, these rasboras grow to no larger than .75 inches.
They are a loosly schooling fish that display nice coloration.
Being their size they shouldn’t be kept with fish that can fit them in their mouth (Betta)
Downside, they require small food either finely crushed flakes, micro pellets, or baby brine shrimp.
3 gallons and bigger
Phoenix Rasbora
# 4 Celestial Pearl Danio (Galaxy Rasbora)
A beautiful fish with unique patterns and colors
Very peaceful and easily kept with many other nano species
These fish can be kept with or without a heater
They love moss and densely planted tanks.
CPDs are loose schooling fish reaching 1 inch max.
To have their color pop make sure to have a bright light to reflect their true colors.
5 gallons or greater.
Celestial Pearl Danio
#5 White Cloud
The white cloud is a cool water species, great for those nano tanks without a heater.
White clouds are a low cost fish that come in a variety of colors. Generally reaching an inch to an inch and a half.
They are relatively hardy fish and tend to be easy to keep.
None schooling fish that like a bit more swimming room.
They are known for their ease of breeding, however, the eggs need special care to hatch but make for a great project.
10 gallon or greater.
Longfin White Cloud Mountain Minnow
#6 Otocinclus Catfish
Very reminiscent of a pleco, these catfish are a nano suckerfish, great for grazing on algae and eating leftovers.
Although, not the most colorful they make for a great clean up crew.
Recommended to keep in schools of 3 or more, they will do great work while staying small. (1.5 inches)
Great cleaners for your betta tank
They are extremely peaceful and will keep to themselves, whilst being entertaining as they munch down on all that slimy residue.
5 gallon tank or greater
#7 Pygmy Corydora
The pygmy cory is the smaller cousin of the corydora species, they remain extremely small while doing a similar job of its larger cousin. ( 1 inch)
These guys don’t like to be lonely and benefit from a small group to keep them active. (3+)
Although not as colorful as some of their cousins, their activity will be sure to delight your interest as they sift through the sand.
Pygmy cories do a wonderful job at turning over your sand or fine gravel to search for all that left over food and built up detritis.
5 gallon of greater.
Pygmy Corydora
#8 Pea Puffer
A cute micro version of the pea puffer. (1 inch)
These fish are generally peaceful and like to be in small groups. (3+)
They have a lot of personality and love to munch down on some blood worms.
They can be kept with several other nano species but should have a nice amount of coverage to feel safe.
5 gallon or greater.
Pea Puffer
#9 Ember Tetra
Another small nano Tetra, the ember tetra is a tight schooling tetra.
Although not the flashiest fish the males show a nice deep red coloration.
They make for a great addition to a larger betta setup.
These tetras reach a max of 1 inch and are generally very peaceful.
5 gallon or greater.
Ember Tetra
#10 Scarlet Badis
Scarlet Badis are a little harder to keep than any of the other listed above due to their diet. (Micro food prefer live food)
They are absolutley beautiful fish with a deep red color and stripped flourecant patterns.
These fish are primarily bottom dwellers that eat off the substrate.
The second smallest fish on this list at .5-1 inch these fish can go in tanks from 3 gallons and above.
If you ever see one of these without color scoop it up because females are extremely rare.
Scarlet Badis